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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Parent Education

We are planning several events for parents to attend during this coming school year. Please mark your calendars for the following events:

October 7th…6:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Savor the Season will be presenting an informational evening about Nutrition and Organic Foods. Leza will be hosting this event which will also include an optional $7.00 dinner fundraiser for the Children’s Habitat. Reservations for the dinner plate are recommended! Also, Jackie Adams has arranged for samples of an upcoming fundraiser  of Certified Fair Trade chocolates, coffees and teas to be available at this event. Sounds too good to miss!

January 17th…1:00 – 4:00 p.m. – “Embracing Humankind”, a diversity workshop with Julie Harrison Sporer of “One World Mind” will be our keynote event to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will celebrate our diversity through this interactive and engaging workshop!

February 28th…1:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Wonderful author and parent educator, Chick Moorman will be kicking off our Open Enrollment with “Parent Talk: Words that Empower, Words that Wound”. Chick is a lively, funny, calming and engaging speaker. We enjoy him every year and are grateful to have him returning to present such helpful and inspiring practices to our parents.

April 21st…6:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Please join us for our celebration of Earth Day with a special presentation by our Outdoor Education and Children’s Habitat instructor, Julia Liljegren. Julia has extensive “Earth” experience and will surely inspire us to a better appreciation of our home, our habitat.

Please mark your calendar for these outstanding presentations and workshops. They are designed especially for our parents, but the public is also welcome so please share this information with friends and family!! We hope to see you soon!!

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