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Montessori in Brighton, MI


First Week of School

We are all happy and excited to be back at school. The students are all full of enthusiam and eager to learn, glad to see their friends and teachers. The Upper Elementary class is off to a great start and they are all working together to develop their classroom and to balance their daily schedule. The new materials in the Upper Elementary are very compelling and the students are looking forward to using these “new works”.

Lower Elementary students are enjoying the new layout of the classroom and are busy welcoming their new classmates. They are also engaged in establishing the functioning structure of their classroom and their daily activities.

Primary classes are off to a wonderful start! The students have been in orientation week and they have been learning and practicing the ground rules. All classes have had their first work time and will be fully engaged this coming week.

We will be incorporating our special instruction areas of Spanish, Music, Outdoor Education, Locomotion, Yoga and Culinary Arts over the next couple of weeks. Suzuki Violin and Drama sign ups will begin on Monday! Maple Tree Montessori Academy is proud to be the only public or private elementary school in Brighton, in fact, in Livingston County to offer such diverse experiences to students. Suzuki Violin is known worldwide as a thoughtful and amazing method of music education and early drama experiences allow for a wonderful, creative process to emerge within the child. We are grateful to bring this holistic quality of education to the families of the Brighton area.

We are glad to have such supportive families, dedicated staff and interested, engaged students. We have an amazing community and we are off to a great start for 2008/2009!!!

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