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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Montessori or Homeschooling

Many parents, having decided that the public school system (including charter schools) does not offer a desirable learning environment for their child, consider many alternative educational systems including Montessori and homeschooling.

As you look at the various options of public, parochial and private education, homeschooling can seem quite attractive. It allows parents control over their child’s educational environment and curriculum. It provides an abundance of opportunities for children and parents to work together on educational experiences and goals.

It does however, require discipline, resources, great effort and Before you embark on such a tremendous commitment, that of total responsibility for your child’s educational needs, you may want to consider a Montessori education.

A Montessori Primary classroom is often called a “Children’s House”, a nurturing home away from home. Everything within the environment is designed for children, to stimulate and maximize the child’s desire to learn. By providing hands-on sequential materials, a cosmic curriculum, teacher observations, and liberty within limits, the Montessori prepared environment is an optimal learning experience. At the same time, the structure of the classroom, mixed ages, opportunities for choice, grace and courtesy lessons, daily living exercises and guided social interactions encourage a child’s social development and teach skills of independence, respect, empathy and cooperation.

Homeschooling parents can join support groups, engage teachers and other professionals to assist them in the teaching / learning process. This can be a very rich and rewarding experience for parents and children…it can also be difficult and challenging to teach a holistic curriculum that encompasses all areas of academic, cognitive, social and psychological development with competency, skill and objectivity.

Montessori teachers are specifically trained to provide a rich and stimulating environment tailored to the needs of each child within the context of amazingly equipped mixed age classrooms. Specials teachers provide individualized instruction in Spanish, French, Chinese, Physical Education, Music, Violin, Guitar, Drums, Drama, Art and Computer Education…all under one welcoming, peaceful and cooperative atmosphere.

If you have concerns about your child and public education, please come to visit us…see our classrooms in action, ask questions and meet our staff. As Montessorians, we appreciate and understand your concerns about your children and about their education. We are truly a Children’s House, committed to providing a nurturing individualized educational program and to enriching the lives of children and families.

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