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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Wish for Peace

Dr. Maria Montessori, over 100 years ago, opened a Children’s House in a poverty stricken area of Rome. In this lab school, she observed children and documented their developmental needs. Dr. Montessori was a biologist and so she saw children as the young of our species, she later expanded on her discoveries toward a lofty purpose, Peace through Education. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after addressing the world in the late 1930’s. This was a time of turmoil and pending disaster, she was pleading for a new perception, a shift of purpose. Maria Montessori’s hope was that we could experience a new perception of children, of the world and even of the concept of Peace. We are proud to continue her work and to carry Dr. Montessori’s message of hope to a tired world, a world in need of Peace. And so, we wish, hope and work toward a Peace filled Holiday Season for all, a season that extends into a true shift of perception, bright and shining into the New Year and far beyond. Happy Holidays.

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