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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Fall 2009 Montessori Pre school, Kindergarten and Elementary Enrollment

Deciding whether to enroll or continue enrollment in a private Kindergarten and Elementary school is a difficult decision many parents are facing under the added weight of uncertain economic times.

Public school systems and charter schools offer tuition free programs, but because they rely on state funding, many are struggling to maintain current levels of quality programs for students. Some schools are facing drastic deficits and unknown budget cuts are imminent, important factors for parents to consider.

Private parochial schools are subsidized by sponsoring churches, reducing tuition expenses and are often excellent choices for families seeking private school quality in combination with and under the guiding hand of religious education.

Maple Tree Montessori Academy as a private, non parochial school offers Pre school, Kindergarten and Elementary programs. We stand proudly as Brighton’s…in fact, Livingston County’s only private, non parochial elementary school. Maple Tree Montessori is a Michigan State registered private school, meeting all of the state requirements for a private school, as well as being licensed by the Michigan Department of Child and Daycare Licensing.

As you consider your child’s future, consider this…

Recent studies have shown Montessori educated elementary students were much more likely :

1. to show intrinsic motivation.

2. to engage in periods of deep concentration.

3. to identify their teachers as supportive, fair and interested in them as people.

4. to identify their classmates as friends.

In addition to being academically advanced, Montessori adolescents reported a deep and satisfying community life that increases as they get older. They feel a strong sense of community that begins in the classroom, the school and then extends outward in an inclusive and enriching manner. They also felt safe, emotionally as well as physically and this stability allows for expansive development in many other areas.

Montessori, long thought of as a private education that results in academically advanced students, is finally being understood and appreciated for the depth of nurturing it provides, the social foundation that is crucially necessary in the world today. Dr. Maria Montessori was a visionary, she saw children as the hope for the future. Dr. Montessori’s vision earned her several Nobel Peace Prize nominations, not for education…but for Peace and Education. She saw that the holistic development of the child was of primary importance to our world and that this child, the hope for the future, is worth our investment.

We invite inquires, visits and hope to educate parents about the importance of Montessori. Maple Tree Montessori proudly offers this option to parents and children of Brighton, Hartland, Howell, Livingston County and surrounding areas. Our programs include an amazing, private and authentic Montessori Pre school, Kindergarten and Elementary curriculum that embraces the challenge of Dr. Maria Montessori…”to educate the human potential.”

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