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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Montessori Philosophy, Fundraising and Community

A little history, Maria Montessori first opened her Children’s House in the slums of Rome to serve impoverished children who had been left wandering the streets while their parents worked. Montessori schools have been held in churches, villages and even refugee camps. Dr. Montessori has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and the Montessori Philosophy has been embraced by world leaders, teachers and parents who are dedicated to bringing a holistic approach to children’s well being for over 100 years.

In many western countries Montessori education has become an option only for those who can afford tuition prices that even exceed $15,000.00 per year (in Michigan alone). It is usually held in a “private school” context and rarely has the opportunity to serve the purpose of serving an economically diverse community, such as the world itself provides. This diversity has both a far reaching effect within our culture and our own individual experiences, shaping our perceptions and our ability to empathize with others.

We at Maple Tree Montessori are fully dedicated to Maria Montessori’s belief in “Education and Peace”. When you look at our enrollment, you can see that we attempt as a part of our sincere dedication to the philosophy, community and to the individual child, to reach beyond the limitations of the current concept of Private Montessori education and toward the goal of peace and inclusion.

It is toward this end, that we decide our tuition base. For example, there are currently no other fully Montessori elementary programs within Livingston County and the other private elementary school options are associated with parochial subsidizing so we must go to nearby counties to compare tuition rates. If you go to Washtenaw or Oakland Counties you will find rates that are almost double our tuition for Primary, Full Day, and Elementary Programs. Although these schools may have more “extras”, we would happily and effectively compare our Montessori Program to theirs and in fact, we believe that often these “extras” take away from their ability to implement Maria Montessori’s Philosophy…educationally as well as socially.

Our dedication to the continuation of Dr. Maria Montessori’s work also includes the development of a sense of community, within our classrooms, our school and our families. Montessori students are known for their appreciation of culture, ability to be socially responsible and for their compassion. Their parents are the first and most important teachers of a child’s sense of empathy, responsibility and all other social characteristics that contribute to a strong, peaceful and nurturing community.

We have several families in our school who, understanding the importance of supporting our work, our classrooms, their own child’s academic and social development have made fundraising for our school a part of their commitment and we thank them whole heartily. They contribute time for our Habitat Work Days and cleaning days; they laminate, make and organize materials. These parents are the ones that put together fundraisers that enable all families to join together, raising much needed funds to purchase materials and equipment, complete outdoor projects and expand our programs without increasing our tuition during these difficult economic times. With their hard work and dedication, they lead us by example to a stronger and more fruitful school community. We cannot thank them enough for their constant support and dedication. Though they ask for no recognition, you know who you are, Thank You!

Maple Tree Montessori Academy is a young school, full of heart and vision. Many schools are not enduring these tough economic times; schools are losing students, closing programs and closing their doors. We are struggling and growing…a challenging position at best and we appreciate all of the support and consideration you have given to us during our infancy stage. As we grow into our collective future, we are striving to carry on Dr. Montessori’s work to the best of our ability, to continue the development of our academic programs, to include all students and families in our community, to provide all children entrusted to us with an excellent education that ensures growth in all area’s of the child’s transition from toddler to adolescent, providing a peaceful, responsible, self motivated foundation for the emerging adult, our future.

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