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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Upper Elementary Teacher Announced, Meeting on July 14th

We have decided on an Upper Elementary teacher for our new classroom. Debra Babiarz has been working as an assistant in the Lower Elementary and much to our delight, has decided to take the Upper Elementary training this summer. Debra is an experienced state certified Elementary teacher. She is well known to the children and has years of experience teaching this age group. Debra is currently taking the classes at Michigan Montessori Teacher Education Center and will be doing a mentored internship this year at our school. In addition to the training program supervising teachers, Melissa Boffi will be mentoring her this year. You may remember Melissa, she came to speak about Upper Elementary earlier this year and was very well received. We are grateful to have her experience and guidance as well as Debra’s experience and enthusiasm to get our Upper Elementary program off to a great start. We are happy to offer an opportunity for parents to meet with Debra, Melissa, Lisa and Nicole. This will give you a chance to ask questions and discuss the details of this new classroom and any concerns about transitions for your child. We will be meeting at the school on Monday, July 14th at 7:00 pm. All interested parents are welcome!

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