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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Play Dough

With Ms. Iris

Play Dough Recipe to be made with adult supervision!

Dry Ingredients

1 cup Flour

2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar

½ cup Salt

Wet Ingredients

2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1 cup Water

2-4 drops Food Coloring


Combine dry ingredients in pan and mix by stirring well

Add Vegetable Oil to Water and then add Food Coloring and stir

Mix Wet and Dry Ingredients together

Heat on low – med. Stir until thick, an adult should do or closely monitor this part! Be careful of the heat, too high and the play dough can scorch!

Turn off stove and transfer play dough to a heat resistant surface. When it is cool enough to touch, knead it gently and enjoy your new playdough!

Here are some buggy ideas!

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