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Montessori in Brighton, MI


Parent Testimonials

Hear from Families Who’ve Chosen Maple Tree Montessori

Feedback from Our Families!

Video Review by Cassandra Manghum

My daughter Paige seldom left my side for the first three years of her life. When she started at Maple Tree Montessori Academy the teachers made her feel special and their warmth gave me peace. She is now five months into school and speaks more Spanish than I do! She asks on the weekends, ‘Why can’t I go to school?’ That says it all.

Julie Cauvin

Video Review by Heather Harrold

We are so pleased with our decision to send our youngest daughter to Maple Tree Montessori Academy. As the parents of three children, we are truly amazed at the difference in the quality of education she is receiving. When compared to traditional preschool and, most importantly to us, Kindergarten programs, Maple Tree exceeds our expectations. Our daughter is thriving and learning so much in their success oriented and gentle environment. Her confidence is fostered daily to learn and do, to try and succeed. She is delighted to participate in all activities and is truly proud to share her accomplishments. As a ‘young’ five, she is reading and grasping math concepts that had never been introduced to our older children during their preschool or kindergarten years. She is off to the best start possible and we are so glad we found Maple Tree.

Chris Parks

Video Review by John Van Oyen

Our experience with Maple Tree Montessori Academy has been wholly positive. Our son has learned so much and enjoys himself thoroughly. We love being a part of the school. MTMA is a perfect example of Maria Montessori’s vision. We are very impressed by MTMA’s c ommitment and integrity to uphold the true Montessori way.

John and Jackie Robbins

I love my school very much!

Thomas Robbins

Thank you for providing such a positive learning environment. Our son has really benefited from the Montessori approach and from the dedication of his teachers. We love how inquisitive he has become. He’s always asked a ton of questions about the world around him, but since starting school he asks even more questions with such unique perspective!

Allison and Ian Fleming

Maple Tree Montessori was the first choice for my three preschoolers after visiting multiple other preschools and Montessori schools in Livingston County. I was presented with a very peaceful environment in which extremely caring teachers helped children to guide their own learning. Believe me, my house is rarely peaceful, and I take solace in the fact that my three boys have a few hours out of their day spent in an enriching and enjoyable environment.

Sheila Qualls

From the first minutes of visiting Maple Tree Montessori Academy during the school’s spring open house in 2004, our 3 year old felt completely comfortable and at home. He loved the new and interesting activities, and the ability to choose his own work. He begged to be able to go back, and he has always looked forward to going to school there ever since. The teachers and daycare staff are very loving, and really care about the kids and their development. Compared to other preschools and daycare centers we looked at in the Brighton area, Maple Tree Montessori clearly came out on top. Its teachers and classrooms provide a peaceful, respectful setting that allows the kids to learn at their own pace, and develop healthy relationships with others.

Janice Karlovitch and Ken Foster

Jacob is 4 1/2 and it is his first year at Maple Tree Montessori. Jacob has had such a great transition without any problems to this school. So far it has been a great learning experience for him. Jacob loves school!

Kathy Caurdy

We have been at Mapletree Montessori for almost eight years and our girls are absolutely flourishing academically and socially. We value the wonderful teachers and the way they foster the love of learning in our children, small classroom sizes and the high level of communication to parents. Mapletree Montessori allows a child to be an active participant in learning where they are encouraged to teach, collaborate and help each other, unlike traditional schools. The additional daily emphasis on grace, courtesy, conflict resolution and care of the environment is refreshing!

Meghan & Anthony Combs

We couldn’t be happier with Maple Tree and our Montessori experience. Our two boys have been greatly enriched, both academically and socially. Nightly dinner conversations include discussions of planets and the milky way, foreign countries, parts of a flower and more. We were so suprised when the boys first started bringing up these topics and we realized what a well rounded experience the Montessori program was for them. Keep up the good work Maple Tree and Thank you!

Rana Augustine

We would like to enroll to full day kindergarten program for fall 2005-2006. Thank you for the great school environment you are offering. We are real happy to be a part of your school!!

Leena & Mika Koivuniemi

Ethan entered Maple Tree at 30 months of age and has been attending for one year. He is our 3rd child and we had never experienced a Montessori program before. Ethan had some academic skills but not much speech at 2 1/2. He was a typical ‘terrible two’ and obviously needed some type of preschool program that would give him more than he was getting at home. Pretty much I didn’t know how to proceed with him. He has thrived at Maple Tree. He is polite, still has the behavior issues of a toddler but his all around development has been not only supported but encouraged by the Montessori Method and the wonderful staff at Maple Tree. We, the whole family, has been impressed by the little boy Ethan has become and my husband has been heard to say that he dosn’t care what it takes, Ethan is in the right place and we will do what we need to do to keep him there.

Anne Sarin

The calm interactive Montessori experience has enabled a real accelerated learning experience for our daughters transition here from public school.

Deborah Engel

MTMA has provided a peaceful atmosphere and an excellent learning environment for our son, Matthew

Julie and Bill Pumphrey

What I value the most about the school is my son’s teachers’ ability to see him in his best light. Because Ben attended Kindergarten in the public school for two months before enrolling at MTMA, I am confident that he is receiving a superior education in a fundamentally different environment; that being a caring, enriching and engaging environment that recognizes and respects the child as an individual

Stephanie Crino

Maple Tree Montessori has been a wonderful education and character building opportunity for both of my children. My daughter was shy and very worried at the onset. She has flourished into an outgoing, self-assured young lady. Thank you Mrs. Fritz and Mrs. Hauenstein. Also my son who attended another Montessori would cry every day I sent him to school. He is very ‘active’ and did not seem to be able to adjust. I gave Maple Tree a chance. My son does not cry when he attends school now. He does not jump out of bed either. He is happy when I peek in on him. Thank you Mrs. Sue!

April Rue

Livingston County’s only Authentic Montessori Preschool & Elementary Programs

Come and Experience the Authentic Montessori Difference at Maple Tree Montessori Academy!

We provide a loving and stimulating environment as Dr. Montessori intended which encourages your child to thrive!

  • Uninterrupted 3hr Work Periods
  • Multi Age Classes – Toddler, Primary, Lower El & Upper El
  • 5 Day a Week Programs
  • Fully Equipped Classrooms with Montessori Certified Teachers & Certified Assistants
  • American Montessori Society Verified School and Michigan Montessori Society Full Affiliate
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